National Reconciliation Week 2023 at ANU

Learn more – what is NRW?
We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation. Learn about what this week means and what you can do.

Reconciliation Lecture
This year's ANU Reconciliation Lecture is in partnership with UC and will be delivered by Professor Tom Calma AO.

Stan Grant
Stan's book The Queen is Dead is a searing, viscerally powerful book on the bitter legacy of colonialism.

Indigenous Stargazing APH
Join Indigenous astronomer Peter Swanton and astrophysicist Dr Brad Tucker for a night under the stars at APH.

Aus First Nations Art
This tour will enable you to gain a deeper understanding and respect for First Nations artistic traditions.

Marcia Langton Aaron Corn
Law: The Way of the Ancestors challenges readers to consider how Indigenous law can inspire new ways forward.

ANU Film Group Screenings
Join the ANU Film Group in celebrating NRW2023 and First Nations voices with a series of film screenings from 1-3 June.

End Racism
Hear from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people about how non-Indigenous Australians can be allies against racism

Yil Lull Studio
Yamaha Music Australia partner with Yil Lull Studio to support the careers of First Nations musicians.

ANU Reporter on The Voice
Deep dive into a collection of articles on the Voice from leading ANU experts and Indigenous leaders.

The Voice Common Concerns
The ANU First Nations Portfolio has produced this helpful guide through some of the common concerns about the Voice.

ANU Council Statement
Our Council has issued a statement, below, giving its unreserved support to the Voice.

Profile - Mr Brian Stacey
Brian Stacey has dedicated his career to advancing the rights and interests of Australia's Indigenous peoples.