Nominate a trailblazing woman for the ANU building renaming initiative

The nominations are now closed
31 May 2024

We're fortunate to have many remarkable and legacy-building women among us, both past and present. However, out of 150 buildings at our university, only five bear women's names. It's time to change that and we need your help to make it happen.

Nominations are now closed for the ANU building renaming initiative to honour distinguished women whose exceptional contributions have significantly shaped ANU. Eligible nominees may include alumni, former staff, or individuals with notable accomplishments that have influenced our university's development. Only deceased nominees will be considered for building nominations, while living nominees will be considered for alternative ways to honour them.

Stay tuned as we share more about these remarkable women, their legacies and the dedicated buildings that will honour them. Eight selected names will be announced and celebrated throughout 2024 and International Women's Day 2025. 

If you need further information, please contact