Update on Renew ANU consultation

17 Oct 2024

Hi everyone,     

As we continue to work towards our stated target of reducing our cost base by $250 million by 1 January 2026, I want to provide you with an update on consultations underway on the proposed changes to our organisational structures.      

Three change proposals are being released for consultation this afternoon. These affect our colleagues in Facilities and Services, and the central Research & Innovation and Academic portfolios. Consultation on the proposals will be open for the next two weeks via the Renew ANU website.      

Staff in these portfolios attended meetings today where the change proposals were discussed, and further townhall meetings will occur next week providing opportunities to ask questions of the University leadership.       

These will be the final change proposals for 2024. They provide a strong strategic framework for how we intend to move forward with the renewal process.     

In addition, the consultation process for the Academic College realignment proposal we opened two weeks ago concludes tomorrow afternoon. I am grateful to all of you who have provided feedback on these proposals. The Executive team will be working hard in coming weeks to consider your suggestions and integrate ideas where appropriate. We will share Implementation Plans for the Academic College Realignment Change Proposals in the week of 4 November, and for the Central Portfolios Change Proposals in the week of 18 November at which point a further week of consultation will occur providing additional feedback opportunities.        

Please take advantage of the opportunity to engage in our consultations. The Renew ANU website is being updated frequently with new FAQs and responses. It contains all the change proposal documentation, recordings of townhalls and information on how to access the support services available to ANU staff.       

I urge you to seek support in whatever form you need – including the staff supports provided through our wellbeing teams. Change can be deeply unsettling, and the safety and wellbeing of staff is of paramount importance.      

I thank you again for your contributions to this process and to our University.       


Vice-Chancellor and President