Updated directives on face masks in the ACT

27 Jun 2021

Dear all

I am writing with an important update regarding face masks and the ANU campus.

Earlier today ACT Health announced wearing face masks in the ACT will be mandatory from midnight tonight (27 June). There is a 48-hour grace period before this measure is enforced. However, the expectation from ACT Health is that people should wear face masks as soon as they are able.

This direction applies to "when people are indoors with people they don't usually live or work with, or on public transport".

This includes a wide range of indoor settings, including supermarkets and shopping centres, and business activities involving close contact, for example hairdressers.

You can see more information and a full list of where and when masks should be worn at the ACT Health website: https://www.covid19.act.gov.au/act-status-and-response/face-masks 

This mandate also applies to the ANU campus and we expect our community to follow ACT Health's directives at the website above.

Staff and students should provide their own face masks when they are on the ANU campus, and when travelling on public transport to and from the University. If you don't have a face mask immediately to hand, ANU will be selling a limited supply of cloth masks for $3 at the Anthony Low Building from 10am Monday 28 June. There will be a limit of one mask per person to ensure that those across our community who don't have immediate access to face masks are able to secure one.

In the meantime, over the current 48-hour grace period we will seek further clarity from ACT Health about what this new direction means for all our campus settings and will let you know as soon as we have more information.

As always your health and wellbeing is our highest priority. We urge you all to be vigilant and keep following all directions from ACT Health. We all have a role to play in stopping the potential spread of COVID-19 in our community. Let's keep looking out for each other and working hard to keep each other safe.


Professor Grady Venville
Acting Vice-Chancellor

The Australian National University