TT2019-001 Superfast haemostat: Non-oxidised cellulose nanofiber based topical haemostatic agent

Haemorrhage or severe blood loss leads to approximately 2 million deaths every year globally ( 2018). Various solutions are available to clinicians to manage haemostasis; however market research indicates substantial room for improvements in areas of cost, shelf- life, speed of haemostasis, biocompatibility (decrease of side-effects like immune response and scarring), and biodegradability.

ANU has developed a new non-oxidized cellulose-based nanofiber (CNF) that has demonstrated superior haemostatic properties against both Surgicel® and Combat Gauze®. The material can be fabricated using an environmentally friendly, cost-effective and scalable ball- milling process and can be administered as both a gel and a sponge.

Potential benefits

A series of clinically relevant in-vitro (thromboelastometry) and in-vivo (terminal liver injury model and subcutaneous implantation model in mice) tests provide compelling data on superiority of our technology over current gold standards Surgicel® and Combat Gauze®.

  • Speed: Faster clotting times
  • Firmness: Increased clot firmness
  • Reduced blood loss: Reduced blood loss by > 2x in- vivo (mice) vs Surgicel®.
  • Biocompatibility: Does not scar, degrades slowly over time.
  • Special Cases: Demonstrated effectiveness against both heparinised and thrombocytopenia patient blood samples.

Potential applications

  • Vascular surgery
  • ENT surgery
  • Thrombocytopenia haemostasis
  • Heparinised patient haemostasis
  • External wound healing
  • Combat first-aid


The technology is currently at TRL-4 with the inventors investigating long-term safety in non-terminal animal models. ANU is looking for interest for or co-development of the technology for eventual license/spin-out.

IP status

The technology has entered the National Phase in Europe (4164704) and the US (2023310699) and owned by the Australian National University.

Key research team

  • Dr Elmira Mohammed - John Curtin School of Medical Research, College of Health and Medicine

Figure 1: Coagulation parameters obtained from non-activated thromboelastometry (NATEM) assays in the presence of CNFs.

Page Owner: Innovation ANU