Advertising a job vacancy

CareerHub is an online platform where employers can share graduate jobs, internships, vacation programs, casual positions and work experience, events and more with our students directly through our online noticeboard. We have over 26,000 registered students, and it is a great way to engage. 


CareerHUB is free for all, easy to use and involves creating an organisation profile and listing opportunities that relate to a student's studies and career development.

Third party recruiters and recruitment agents are subject to a $100 per vacancy fee for two weeks of listing on ANU CareerHub. When listing a vacancy on CareerHub,, recruitment agencies must disclose a specific position and actual employer's name. General advertisements without these details will not be posted.

If your organisation already has a profile on CareerHub please log in with your username and password.  If you are unsure of these details, or wish to be added to an existing account, please contact our team directly.

Please read our terms and conditions when you register on CareerHub via the Employer Console.

Advertising on ANU Careerhub

ANU Careers & Employability will not list job advertisements on ANU CareerHub for domestic service positions based in/or at people's homes. This includes jobs such as cleaning, home help, gardening, maintenance, labouring, childcare and tutoring. ANU Careers & Employability encourages students seeking this type of casual employment to do so directly through companies or agencies registered in the provision of these services.

All positions advertised on the ANU CareerHub remain at the discretion of the Manager.

ANU Careers & Employability no longer advertises overseas teaching opportunities, except for University teaching positions. For tutoring opportunities, ANU Careers & Employability will only list specific positions lodged for services to be held on campus or by a registered organisation with sessions held at that organisation's premises.

All jobs must comply with the wages set out under the National Employment Standards. As such, remuneration for positions must include: a specific currency amount per hour or annual currency amount, or include a statement indicating the rate of pay, such as "Award rate", "Above award rate", "International award equivalent", "voluntary work".

Unpaid Internships will not be advertised on CareerHub unless the employer is registered as a Not-for-Profit organisation. The Fair Work Ombudsman provides information regarding the legalities of unpaid work opportunities.

Commission-only jobs and jobs where a student is employed as a contractor and not as a PAYE employee will generally not be posted. Jobs posted by third parties or recruitment agencies may incur a fee.

Any opportunity that involves students having to pay a fee at any stage of the recruitment, training, or employment process will not be approved for placement on the ANU CareerHub. All job advertisements submitted must comply with relevant employment legislation. Please refer to Fair Work Australia in the first instance.

Social Media

We can also promote your opportunities on our Facebook page and through email newsletters. Please contact us directly for more information on sharing your opportunities on our social media platforms.

