Applying to graduate

Graduating in July and March/April 2025 

Most students do not need to apply to graduate.

Generally, students will be automatically identified and assessed by the academic area responsible for their program.

You do not need to apply to graduate if:

  • you are enrolled or active in your program in the semester immediately preceding the July and March/April 2025 graduation sessions;
  • you have previously been identified and approved to graduate but did not respond to the graduation invitation; or
  • you have been approved to graduate, and deferred the conferring of your award.

You do need to apply to graduate if:

  • you had no active enrolment in your program in the semester immediately preceeding the July and March/April 2025 graduation session; 
  • you are an ANU student enrolled elsewhere on a cross-institutional or exchange basis. Students in this category must arrange to have an official transcript of results from the external institution forwarded to their ANU College, together with a request to have the course credit applied to your academic record. This must be completed by 1 June for the July graduation session;
  • you are a student in a combined or double degree program who wishes to confer only one of the degrees in that program; 
  • you are a student who has applied to have course credit transferred to your current program; or
  • you are a student who has been force-transferred into a new program following academic progression proceedings.

Out of Session Conferral

Students who have completed all requirements of their award may confer outside of the July and March/April 2025 graduation sessions. Applications can be submitted throughout the year, however, please note that exclusion periods apply in June, July, November and March/April 2025 each year. 

To apply for an out of session conferral, please complete the form in the Resources section of this page. 
