Assessment Appeals

Students are encouraged to seek support whenever needed. 
Please visit the Health, Safety & Wellbeing webpage for available support services. 

If as a student you consider the final published result of a course to be inappropriate or incorrect, you may appeal the outcome. 

Prior to your appeal

We encourage you to seek advice from an independent person knowledgeable about the process and aware of potential outcomes.  The Dean of Students and the ANU Students' Association (ANUSA) are available to provide you with advice. Depending on your circumstances, Student Safety and Wellbeing, ANU Counselling or Accessibility may be able to provide assistance.

You should be aware that if you appeal a result, the outcome may be a higher mark, the same mark, or a lower mark.

Appeals against a result for an individual assessment task are considered as a component of the final grade, after the final grade is published in ISIS.

Stage 1 - Informal Consideration

You must approach your course convenor within 20 working days of the result being published. Contact details for your course convenor can be found in Wattle, the Course Outline, or via Programs and Courses. Once you have queried your result, you may then wish to raise a dispute about one or more assessment pieces that contributed to your overall course mark and grade. 

On receiving your dispute, your course convenor may re-mark (or organise another person to re-mark) your assessment item, or undertake other action as appropriate.

Your course convenor will then let you know the outcome of the review.

At this stage, you may be satisfied with the review and decide to pursue no further action, or you may choose to lodge a formal appeal.

Stage 2 - Formal Appeal

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of Stage 1, you may lodge a formal appeal to be considered by the Associate Dean of the ANU Academic College responsible for the course. Your appeal must contain the following information:

  • The reasons why the result you received did not align with the assessment criteria, or the reason why Assessment Rule or Student Assessment (Coursework) policy or procedure was not followed;
  • Confirmation that you have already discussed the result with your course convenor, or if not, why not;
  • Any evidence to support your case. For example, if your appeal is in regards to an assignment that you have received back, you will need to include it so it can be considered. If it is about an assessment item that has not been returned to you, you will not need to include it as the Associate Dean will have access to it.

Once you have compiled your appeal, submit it to: 

ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
ANU College of Asia and the
ANU College of Business and Economics

For credit/exemption appeals:

ANU College of Engineering, Computing and
ANU College of
ANU College of Health and
ANU College of Law

Your appeal must be submitted within 20 working days of either the original result being published, or the outcome of Stage 1 being advised to you.

Your appeal will then be considered by the Associate Dean; an outcome will be advsied to you within 20 working days.

In most cases this will conclude the appeals process. 

Stage 3 - Procedural Appeal

A procedural appeal is where rules, policies or procedures have not been followed by the University and this has unfairly disadvantaged you. In this case, it is where the assessment appeal process outlined in the Assessment Rule, Student Assessment (Coursework) Policy, or Student Assessment (Coursework) Procedure, was not followed. 

If this applies to your circumstances, you may lodge an appeal on procedural grounds to the Dean of the ANU Academic College responsible for the course.

The Dean will not consider the merit or otherwise of your appeal against the original mark/grade, but only whether correct procedure was followed.

Once you have compiled your procedural appeal, submit it to: 

ANU College of Arts and Social
ANU College of Asia and the
ANU College of Business and
ANU College of Engineering, Computing and
ANU College of
ANU College of Health and
ANU College of Law

The Dean will consider your appeal and advise the outcome within 20 working days. 

The decision of the Dean is final.

  For staff enquiries contact EGAPP.