Research Candidate Milestones

Milestone eForm via ISIS

ANU research candidates are required to meet a number of progress milestones including an initial Annual Plan, completion of Research Integrity Training, Annual Plan & Reports, the Thesis Proposal Review/ from 2024 replaced by the Confirmation of Candidature, and the final Oral Presentation of your research. These milestones are valuable project management tools that can help you and your supervisor set research goals, reflect on your research activities, and ensure you are on track for successful completion of your program.

Your College, School or Centre may require additional milestones such as a Mid-Year Review or completion of ethics requirements, or you may be required to do some coursework during your program, but before submitting your thesis.

All ANU candidates are required to meet satisfactory academic progress. This means that they must meet the minimum academic performance requirements as established by the University and determined by the Delegated Authority (DA). What constitutes satisfactory academic progress depends on the level of the program or, in some circumstances, requirements specific to an individual program.

Candidates will be notified of other requirements to maintain satisfactory progress. All candidates should be aware of the Research Awards Rule which govern all research programs at ANU.

Candidates can log in to ISIS to see which milestones have already been completed and upcoming due dates and to commence a milestone report. Milestone reports are created as eForms, and are designed to be intuitive and easy to use. Upon submission, your milestone report will be electronically directed to the Chair of your supervisory panel.

The examination process is also facilitated through milestones to support the examination process. When you are ready to submit your thesis you will be able to indicate your intention to submit your thesis via the Nomination of Intention to Submit milestone. This form triggers the nomination and approval of your external examiners. Once this is complete you will be able to access the Thesis Submission milestone.  After your thesis submmission has been approved, if you are completing an oral examination, the oral examination meeting will be scheduled and all participants will receive an invitation.  

Candidate Supervisor Agreement

From August 2020 it is compulsory for all new HDR candidates, and existing candidates that are within their first 2.5yrs of (full-time equivalent) their PhD  program or 1.5yrs (full-time equivalent) of their MPhil program to complete and upload the Candidate Supervisor Agreement form (located in the 'Reference documents' box to the right) with their Annual Plan milestone each year.

This document is a dynamic document that should be reviewed and amended as appropriate throughout your candidature. It is important that the expectations of both the candidate and supervisor are discussed and documented via the eForms. The Candidate Supervisor Agreement matrix (located in the 'Reference documents' box to the right) has been designed to assist with the completion of the template as a framework to initiate conversations between the Primary Supervisor and the HDR candidate.



Progression IndicatorCommentaryTimeframe (PhD)^Timeframe (MPhil)^
Completion of Research Integrity Training (RIT) and Test

All HDR candidates must successfully complete the online RIT course before they can submit any subsequent milestones.


This course consists of 10 short modules designed to introduce appropriate research conduct, and raise awareness to issues you are likely to encounter in the course of your research program. You are required to undertake and pass a Research Integrity Test as evidence of your understanding of the material. 


Candidates will be able to add content to, and save later milestones, but will not be able to submit these until RIT is successfully completed.

3 months3 months
First Annual Plan (AP)Research plan for at least the coming year. The Annual Plan (AP) outlines what the candidate intends to undertake, with sufficient detail to allow the supervisory panel and Delegated Authority to assess the appropriateness and feasibility of the plan.

The first AP is due three months after commencement, and in subsequent years at the same time as the Annual Report
3 months3 months
If required by the DA, completion of Mid-Year Review (MTR) 18 months15-18 months
Thesis Proposal Review (TPR) - From 2024: Confirmation of Candidature

The Thesis Proposal Review (TPR) is a detailed thesis proposal, literature review, report on research activities since commencement, and plan for the next year. The review indicates the subject of your proposed research, the methodology to be employed (including proposed fieldwork, if applicable), an analysis of relevant literature, and a description of how your research will contribute to the field of study.


The TPR is an excellent opportunity to get detailed feedback from your supervisory panel on your progress, as well as comprehensive advice on the appropriateness and feasibility of your research plans. Your College, School or Centre will have more information about the format of your TPR.


All members of the supervisory panel participate in a TPR, and the Chair of the Supervisory panel should include comments made during the meeting, and make a recommendation on progress in the eForm. The Delegated Authority approves and determines the outcome of the milestone. 

For candidates beginning 2024, this milestone will be the 'Confirmation of Candidature’.

9-12 months6-9 months
Annual Report and Plan

All HDR candidates are required to submit Annual Plans and Reports (AR) each year of their candidature. The Report helps you to reflect on your research activities during the past year, and provides an opportunity for you to flag any personal, academic or technical issues which may impact your research and its timely completion.


The Chair of the supervisory panel comments, and makes a recommendation on progress and a candidate is given the opportunity to meet and discuss the comments. The Delegated Authority approves and determines the outcome of the milestone.

Annual progress is assessed against the previous Annual Plan.

12 months

24 months

36 months 

and every 12 months until completion 

12 months



Oral Presentation

The final Oral Presentation of your research (within 12 months of your expected thesis submission date) is an important part of finishing your degreeThe presentation includes the major objectives, content, results, and conclusions of the work, allowing the candidate to demonstrate their work has an appropriate research focus, argument, and depth and contribution of knowledge. 

Your College, School or Centre will have more information about the format of your Oral Presentation, including any other oral presentations that are associated with other milestones such as your TPR or Mid-Year reviews.

The presentation is advertised within the University, and all members of the supervisory panel participate and make an evaluation. This is documented in a written report which is submitted in the eForm, and will be provided to the candidate.

Associated with the presentation, candidates submit a 2-5 page summary of the material to their supervisory panel.

The supervisory panel participate and make an evaluation. This is documented in a written report. A copy of the written report is provided to the candidate. The report of the panel is not provided to the thesis examiners.

Within 12 months of expected submission dateWithin 6 months of expected submission date
Notification of Intent (NoI) to Submit your Thesis

This eForm should be used to lodge your Notification of Intent to Submit your thesis. In this form, you can:

  • update your thesis title, abstract and intended date of submission
  • upload a table of contents for your thesis
  • apply for a change of thesis format
  • suggest examiners who you believe should or should not examine your thesis, and
  • request that access to your thesis is restricted.

Before completing this milestone you must talk to your Primary Supervisor and discuss your planned thesis submission date, thesis title, abstract, thesis format, confidential material and Thesis Access Restriction.

From September* 2024 candidates who commenced prior to 1 July 2024 will be able to opt to completing an oral examination. Candidates completing an oral examination will also be able to advise of any required adjustments. *Exact date to be confirmed.  

2-3 Months before your expected submission date2-3 Months before your expected submission date
Thesis Submission

After your Notification of Intent to Submit Milestone has been reviewed by your Primary Supervisor, you may use the Thesis Submission Milestone to submit your thesis for examination. For information on submitting your thesis please refer to the  HDR Submission and Examination of Theses Procedure.


This eForm should be used to submit your thesis for examination. In this form, you can:

  • finalise your thesis title and abstract,
  • enter your personal information as a researcher,
  • declare you have complied with any third-party material restrictions on copyright and intellectual property, and
  • upload.

Before completing this milestone you must talk to your Primary Supervisor to ensure everything is complete before submitting. 

When you are ready to submitWhen you are ready to submit

Oral Examination* 

(note this is not a separate eform but is managed partially through the above thesis submission eform, other linked examination eforms, and through the Graduate Research Office.

Candidates undertaking an oral examination will be sent an invitation to the Oral Examination meeting by the Graduate Research Office which will be scheduled approximately 7 weeks after distribution of the submitted thesis to approved examiners. You will attend the oral examination meeting and shortly after the meeting you will be advised of the final outcome of your examination.After you have submitted your thesisAfter you have submitted your thesis
Thesis Corrections

You may be asked to make specified corrections to your thesis following your examination. If you choose to make these corrections to your thesis, a Thesis Corrections Milestone will be created for you to complete.  


This eForm should be used to re-submit your thesis with corrections and revisions as requested by the Associate Dean. In this form, you can:

  • Review the Examiner reports and comments,
  • review your previous submission,
  • update your thesis title and abstract, and
  • upload a corrected thesis.

Before completing this milestone you must ensure your Primary Supervisor, someone on your panel or another appropriate person has proofread your final thesis to ensure everything is complete before submitting

Up to 12 Months after notification of your resultUp to 12 Months after notification of your result

^Clause 6 of the HDR Candidature Progression Procedure allows the Delegated Authority to vary timeframes, such as in instances where mandatory coursework is required. The HDR Candidature Progression Procedure is available at the link above.