Special examination arrangements

Students are encouraged to seek support whenever needed. 
Please visit the Health, Safety & Wellbeing webpage for available support services. 

The University will endeavour to accommodate the special needs of students with a permanent or temporary disability, and students from language backgrounds other than English.

Students with a disability

In instances of students with a disability or special requirements, Accessibility must be notified well in advance of requiring alternative assessment arrangements.

Alternative assessment arrangements in an exam may include:

  • additional writing time
  • assistance of a scribe
  • breaks from the examination
  • large print examination papers.

How to apply

Students should contact Accessibility to discuss their assessment needs for the examination. This should occur at the beginning of the semester. 

Special arrangements are not automatically granted and must be applied for by students.

Students from language backgrounds other than English

Students from a non-English speaking background may be eligible for examination assistance in certain circumstances. These are outlined in the Student Assessment (Coursework) Policy.

Special examination arrangements may include:

  • up to one-third additional time for either reading or writing
  • access to an appropriate approved dictionary.

Eligible students are those:

  • who come from a non-English speaking background
  • whose previous education was not in English
  • who speaks a language other than English at home
  • who are in their first year of study*.

*Eligibility may be extended, in very exceptional circumstances, for a limited time beyond the first year of enrolment at the discretion of the relevant ANU Academic College.

How to apply

Students from language backgrounds other than English should contact the student office in the relevant ANU Academic College prior to applying for examination assistance.

Complete the Application form for Special Assessment Arrangements for Students from Language Backgrounds other than English and submitted prior to the course census date.

Note: identifying as a student from a language background other than English does not automatically entitle students to assessment concessions. Applications will be assessed by the ANU Academic College and a decision made on appropriate concessions. Decisions made for one course may not necessarily be the same as for another course.

  For staff enquiries contact EGAPP.