ANU Thrive Kitchen Garden Monthly Monday Gardening Bees

You don't need to a green thumb, join us at a Kitchen Garden gardening bee for social & relaxed community gardening & learn how to grow food

Be part of growing a thriving kitchen garden right here on the ANU and harvest and share the abundance! Together we will grow, harvest, cook, and share fresh, delicious food. You don't need to be a green thumb, just come along and join in and learn as you grow!

Join one of our regular ANU Kitchen Garden gardening bees to meet other students and learn about all about planting, growing and harvesting food. Each working bee includes a garden walk to check out what needs to be planted, weeded and harvested and a gardening skills share. Learn about gardening by doing it with us: everything from composting to worm farms, weeding to seed sowing, pruning to planting.

You don't need to know anything about gardening or growing food. By working together, we'll help you develop the skills to grow your own food at home and we'll create an abundant and thriving kitchen garden on campus.

At the end of each working bee, you'll be able to take home some harvested produce, seeds, seedlings that you've sown, recipes or growing guides depending on the time of the season and what's happening in the garden.

What should I bring?

Please wear a hat (if you have one) and enclosed shoes. Water, spare hats and sunscreen available at the garden. There's plenty of shade at the garden, so don't worry if it's looking like a hot day, we'll find something cool to do!

Where are we meeting?

Meet at the Kitchen Garden at the Canberra Environment Centre. The Canberra Environment Centre is on the National Museum side of ANU campus. From Kambri, the walk takes approximately 20 minutes. 

How many gardening bees should I come to?

You can come to as many gardening bees as you feel like. There will be occasional gardening bees on other days as well and you are welcome to register for as many as you want to do.

What about cooking and eating the food?

Keep an eye out for our regular ANU Kitchen Garden Cooking Classes and other Kitchen Garden events like pizza lunches and seasonal celebrations later in the Semester.

This event will be held outside and follow Covid safety rules.

Date and Times


Canberra Environment Centre
Lennox Crossing
Acton Peninsula, Australian Capital Territory, 2601

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