Events & stories

Events & stories

Events & stories

Events & stories

A great way to meet people and make the most of your university experience is to connect with ANU communities that interest you. Explore the different communities and get involved with like-minded peers.


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ANU Library tours image
11.00 am , 15-19 Jul

ANU Library tours image
11.00 am , 15-19 Jul

ANU Reconciliation Lecture tile
4.00 pm , 18 Jul

SRC Abstract Writing Workshop
1.00 pm , 24 Jul

Checking students in for the event
2.00 pm , 06 Aug


Robert Williams

Robert is a descendant of the Ngambri Nugunnawal peoples and a current Archaeology Postgraduate student at the ANU. Robert has a Bachelor of…

Meet ANU Student Ambassador Lauren

I was the sort of kid that always asked for microscopes and chemistry kits for my birthday and chose to spend my summer holiday before Year 12 at the…

Research through a visual arts lens

Edwina graduated from the painting workshop and is completing honours in the glass workshop of the School of Art in 2014. Visual arts…

Eurovision’s over, so why not try Euroscience?

14th – 18th July 2014 at Questacon Finished with exams, hiding from winter or just feeling nostalgic? From the first discovery of dinosaurs to a…

2009 Last Lecture

Paul Kirwan (Photography & Media Arts, ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences) was nominated by the 2009 ANU students to deliver The Last…

The art of unlecturing

Written by Simon Mulvaney, third year B(Interdisciplinary Studies) PhDs in Doctor Who and Jurassic Park forensics are more fact…