Events & stories

Events & stories

Events & stories

Events & stories

A great way to meet people and make the most of your university experience is to connect with ANU communities that interest you. Explore the different communities and get involved with like-minded peers.

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04 Apr 2018

Minette Salmon

"I've always been a science nerd. I love science because I like to know 'why?'. "I was in the military for seven years and after finishing…

23 Mar 2018

Aurora Internship Program

As I sit down to write this report about my experiences as a participant in the Summer 2017 Aurora Internship program, I realise that I am proud of…

13 Jun 2014

ACUR ‘a great way for students to get a taste of how research is communicated.’

This year John began his PhD, but his keen interest meant he began his research career from the first year of his undergraduate degree. He presented…

The Hon. Michael Kirby on human rights in North Korea

19th August 2014 On his retirement from the High Court of Australia in 2009, the Hon. Michael Kirby was the nation’s longest serving judge. Since his…

2013 Last Lecture

Professor Kiaran Kirk Director, Research School of Biology has the respect of any student he has taught, which is reflected by being nominated every…

Finding inspiration

Explore different ways to find inspiration, in a discussion with ethnographer Professor Kirin Narayan, School of Art visual artist Simon Cotrell and…