AI and Poverty alleviation (Social Innovation Conference 2023 Flagship event)

Presented by ANU College of Business & Economics

The Social Innovation Conference is back for 2023 with Our future with AI: From science fiction to social fiction. SICON2023 brings together renowned thought leaders between October 16th and November 16th. The sessions will cover the impacts of AI across different areas of social outcomes such as health, justice, education, jobs and skills etc. 

Join us in transcribing what is possible with AI for social good from the abstract into the physical, from science fiction to social fiction!

What is AI and Poverty alleviation about?

Rapid advances in AI present an opportunity to harness the power of technology to help solve a wide range of real-world problems and improve social outcomes. However, advances in AI also pose threats that can have devastating impacts. 

To kick off SICON2023, and timed with Anti-Poverty Week, we are bringing together renowned thought leaders to explore the impact of AI on poverty. In this full day Flagship event, we will seek to answer the question: How do we collectively design a world where AI is used to advance social good?

Join us at the National Museum of Australia on October 16th from 9am to 4pm.

Welcome to Country and Opening Remarks 
Panel session 1: Latest developments in AI and the threats and opportunities for social outcomes 
Panel session 2: AI's potential impact on poverty
Panel session 3: Exploring a world of possibilities - AI and social innovation 
Design Jam: How do we collectively design a world where AI is used for social good?

Lunch, morning tea and afternoon tea provided. All food is vegetarian. 

Creating Connections: Closing session and networking event
Ticket for the flagship event: AI and Poverty includes entry to Creating Connections: Closing event and networking session. The event will be held on 16th November, 6-8:30pm at Cafe Stepping Stone. To attend, please select 'yes' at the checkout. 

Session information

Welcome to SICON2023

Keynote by Professor Israr Qureshi, ANU

Panel session 1: Latest developments in AI and the threats and opportunities for social outcomes 
This session will delve into the most recent advancements in AI and discuss the potential prospects and challenges that the world can anticipate across various domains of societal impact, including but not limited to health, education, and employment.

Panel session 2: AI's potential impact on poverty
This session will explore how AI will impact poverty eradication. Expert panelists will talk about the many facets of poverty and how these facets will be influenced by advancements in AI. Panelists will discuss negative impacts such as potential unemployment to the possibilities of creating a more humane world through improvements in health and economic systems and the environment.

Panel session 3: Exploring a world of possibilities - AI and social innovation
This session will explore the possibilities of using AI for social innovation, drawing on new developments in social enterprises that leverage AI around the world and how they are impacting poverty eradication.

Design Jam: How do we collectively design a world where AI is used for social good? 
After a day of listening to the challenges and opportunities that AI poses in addressing poverty and social impact, we are opening the floor for discussion and for you to share your ideas on how to achieve collective impact through collaboration and social innovation to achieve social good. Individuals or groups will have up to three minutes to pitch their design ideas in this design jam! We look forward to this session being a forum to plant the seeds for new collaborations, partnerships, ideas and a new journey on working together to ensure that AI is used for social good. 

Date and Times


Peninsula Room, National Museum of Australia Lawson Cres

Australian Capital Territory
