
Presented by ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences

To celebrate Laura Rademaker's Paul Bourke Award for Early Career Research from the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and the launch of Everywhen: Australia and the Language of Deep History, co-edited by Ann McGrath, Laura Rademaker and Jakelin Troy, please join us for a panel discussion featuring contributors Dr Laura Rademaker, Professor Jaky Troy and Shannon Forster. Professor Ann McGrath will chair the session and the book will be launched by Professor John Maynard.

Everywhen asks how knowledge systems of Aboriginal people can broaden our understanding of the past and of history. Indigenous ways of knowing, narrating, and re-enacting the past in the present blur the distinctions of time, making all history now, with questions of time and language at the heart of Indigenous sovereignty.

Books will be available for purchase at the launch event. 

This is an in person only event. Refreshments will be provided following the discussion.

This event is supported by the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and the Research Centre for Deep History.

The Paul Bourke Awards for Early Career Research honour Australians in the early part of their career who have achieved excellence in scholarship in one or more fields of the social sciences.

Date and Times


Room: Harry Hartog - ANU
