Timeframes for processing FOI requests

FOI requests will be processed within 30 calendar days from the date that a valid request is received and accepted by ANU.

All valid requests will be acknowledged within 14 calendar days of receipt of the request. ANU aims to assist all applicants in making valid requests and will contact the applicant as soon as possible to clarify their request if necessary.

Extensions to the processing time for FOI

Extensions to the processing time for an FOI application may be granted for the following reasons:

  • extension agreement (s15AA) - an agreement is directly negotiated between ANU and the applicant. It can be for no more than an additional 30 days to the initial deadline

  • complex or voluminous (s15AB) - if the initial 30 day period for processing a request is insufficient the Information Commissioner can extend the period for processing within reason to ensure that information is still provided to the applicant.

ANU endeavours to pro-actively engage and liaise with applicants to complete all FOI processing within the initial 30 day period; identifying as soon as possible when this may not be feasible and keeping the applicant informed of progress.