Council News – Meeting: 30 July 2021

30 Jul 2021

Council News
Meeting 4/2021 - 30 July 2021

The ANU Council's fourth meeting of the year took place on Friday, 30 July 2021. 

Due to the continuing impact of COVID-19 and travel restrictions Council met online to consider many significant matters, as follows:   

Council membership

On 30 June 2021, Council farewelled two outstanding members, Ms Natasha Stott Despoja AO and Mr Mike Baird AO.  Two new members - Ms Alison Kitchen and Ms Padma Raman PSM were appointed by the Minister for Education and Youth and joined Council from 1 July 2021 for four years. Council also welcomed the re-appointments of Dr Doug McTaggart and Ms Anne-Marie Schwirtlich AM.

Vice-Chancellor's Report

Council discussed a report prepared by the Vice-Chancellor focusing on the ANU Recovery Plan, the political landscape, COVID readiness, and the 1 August 2017 anniversary of the Australian Human Rights Commission Change the Course report concerning Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment at Australian Universities.  The Vice-Chancellor also acknowledged a number of ANU staff achievements, including the recipients of ARC Laureate Fellowships and Queen's Birthday Honours.       

ANU 2025 

Council approved the University's new Strategic Plan - ANU 2025.

ANU 2025 combines the University's purpose, vision and values together with core areas of focus for the ANU over the next four years. The document was developed by the ANU leadership team and the broader community over the past six months.  It has been reviewed by subject matter experts to ensure that our commitments to climate change, equity and First Nations Peoples are respectful of individuals and cultures and will lead to measurable action.

ANU Digital Master Plan

Council approved the ANU Digital Master Plan to 2030 in principle.  It includes a substantial transformation of digital governance, literacy, platforms and integration to ensure ANU can meet its strategic aspirations. 

Staff and Student Wellbeing    

Council continues to monitor staff and student wellbeing. Council considered a progress report about the Sexual Violence Prevention Strategy and the status of an Independent Review of the SVPS commencing in 2021.    

Other matters

Council considered other significant matters, including the University's Strategic Risk Register 2021, the ANU Statement on Modern Slavery 2020, Information Security, Annual reports from Ethics Committees, project and audit-related updates, and summaries of Council Committee and Academic Board activity since the last cycle of governance meetings in June and July 2021.         

ANU 75th Anniversary

The University's 75th Anniversary will be celebrated on 1 August 2021, with related activities and events listed here:

Next Meeting

Council next meets on Friday 1 October 2021.

The Hon Julie Bishop
