OHIOH Symposium 2020

The symposium presented the progress of OHIOH projects, an outlook on future research, and patient and healthcare provider insights.

The OHIOH team, comprised of engineers, physicists, chemists, computer scientists, health services researchers, social scientists, healthcare professionals, and people living with diabetes and multiple sclerosis, presented an overview of the research progress, and an outlook on future research and perspectives.

The symposium also featured insights into interactions between researchers, healthcare professionals, and people with lived experience. 

As one of the key speakers, Associate Professor Rohan Essex talked about future ACT Health perspectives. 

Two panel discussions added interesting insights into PhD research (Panel 1: multidisciplinary PhD research; Panel 2: to go wide or to go deep in research).

OHIOH PhD students presented their research in a poster session hosted in a virtual room, with a best poster award available to win.

  • Theme: Past, Present and Beyond (Program)
  • Dates: Thursday 26 and Friday 27 November, 2020
  • Where: Online (Zoom)


OHIOH Symposium 2020 program

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