ANU-Canberra Rape Crisis Centre, ANUSA to partner on new counselling services

11 Jul 2017

ANU and the ANU Students Association (ANUSA), with support from the Post-Graduate and Research Students Association (PARSA) has partnered with the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre to provide improved on-campus counselling services for survivors of sexual assaults and harassment.

The new service builds on the University’s strong links with the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre that currently provides crisis counselling support through their crisis and counselling telephone support service on 6247 2525

From 31 July additional counsellors from the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre will be available at ANU to help survivors of sexual assaults and harassment and their supporters. From 7 August Canberra Rape Crisis Centre counsellors will be located on campus in an equivalent full-time role.

The new arrangement supplements existing counselling services at ANU, and builds on the long-standing links between the University and the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre dating back to 2005.

The new agreement will see both female and male counsellors from the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre on campus.

If you, or a student you know, needs medical and crisis counselling support contact the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre on 6247 2525 or after hours contact the police on 131 444.

If you, or a student you know, has just been the subject of a sexual assault and the student is in immediate fear for their own safety, or the safety of others, then call 000 and seek immediate police assistance.

For more information on help available go to

For Journalists

      James Grubel
      +61 2 6125 7979