
A prize is an award given in recognition of outstanding performance, academic achievement or service. Most prizes are awarded for quantifiable achievement as set out in the relevant Conditions of Award, eg receiving the top mark in a course. In general it is not possible to apply for a prize.

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NameCollegeField of study
First Year Science Communication PrizeANU College of Systems & Society Science communication
Friends Ensemble Music PrizesANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Music
Friends of the School of Music Transition AwardANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Music
Friends' Bernhard Neumann Memorial PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Music
Gareth Long Prize in Orthopaedic SurgeryMedicine
Garnaut PrizeANU College of Law, Governance & Policy Public policy
Gatenby Prize for Excellence in Internal MedicineMedicine
Gavin Jones Demography PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Asian studies
Gender and Medicine Essay Year Three PrizeMedicine
Geological Society of Australia (ACT Division) Ken Campbell First Year PrizeANU College of Science & Medicine Earth sciences
Geological Society of Australia (ACT Division) Mike Rickard Third Year PrizeANU College of Science & Medicine Earth sciences
George Dicker Prize in Undergraduate HistoryANU College of Arts & Social Sciences History
George Zubrzycki PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Sociology
German Embassy Prizes for German Language & CultureANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Language studies
Goldman Sachs J B Were PrizeANU College of Business & Economics Business & economics
Google Prize for Computer Science (Honours)ANU College of Systems & Society Computer science
Graduate Diploma in International Affairs PrizeANU College of Asia & the Pacific International affairs
Graduate Studies in International Affairs Thesis PrizeANU College of Asia & the Pacific International affairs
Graduate Women NSW (Canberra Branch) Prize in Computing and EngineeringANU College of Systems & Society Engineering & computer science
Graduate Women NSW (Canberra) PrizeANU College of Asia & the Pacific Asian studies
Graduate Women NSW (Canberra) Prize in ChemistryANU College of Science & Medicine Chemistry
Graduate Women NSW (Canberra) Prize in Climate ScienceANU College of Science & Medicine Earth sciences
Graham Wilkinson PrizeMedicine
Grahame Johnston Prize in Australian LiteratureANU College of Arts & Social Sciences English
Gray Smith and Joan Scott PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Visual arts
Guan Chong Prize in SurgeryMedicine
Hank Nelson PrizeANU College of Asia & the Pacific Pacific studies
Hanna Neumann Prize for First Year MathematicsANU College of Science & Medicine Mathematics
Hanna Neumann Prize for Mathematics IV (Honours)ANU College of Science & Medicine Mathematics
Hanna Neumann Prize for Second Year MathematicsANU College of Science & Medicine Mathematics
Hanna Neumann Prize for Third Year MathematicsANU College of Science & Medicine Mathematics
Harold Wesley Allen Memorial PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Music
Helen Chin PrizeANU College of Business & Economics Accounting
Helen Hughes Graduate Diploma Prize in International & Development EconomicsANU College of Asia & the Pacific Public policy
Helen Hughes Master Degree Prize in International & Development EconomicsANU College of Law, Governance & Policy Public policy
Hiroe Swen Ceramics EASS School of Arts PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Visual arts
Howlett Honours Prize in GeographyANU College of Systems & Society Geography
HVP Plantations Prize in Memoriam of Professor Ian FergusonANU College of Systems & Society Foresty
Iain Wright Prize for EnglishANU College of Arts & Social Sciences English
IG Ross Prize ANU College of Science & Medicine Chemistry
Imad Nassir Prize for Encouragement in Piano PerformanceANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Music
Indigenous Commonwealth PrizeAll
Introduction to Anthropology PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Archaeology & anthropology
Irene Crespin Prize for PalaeontologyANU College of Science & Medicine Earth sciences
Iwu Utomo Prize in DemographyANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Indonesian studies
J G Crawford PrizeAll
Jack Richardson PrizeANU College of Law, Governance & Policy Law
Jacky Anne Sutton PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Arab & Islamic studies
Jacobs Medal for Outstanding Field Studies in ForestryANU College of Systems & Society Foresty
Jagadishwar Mahanty PrizeANU College of Science & Medicine Physics
James Ingram Prize for Excellence in Diplomatic Studies (Domestic)ANU College of Asia & the Pacific Diplomacy
James Ingram Prize for Excellence in Diplomatic Studies (International)ANU College of Asia & the Pacific Diplomacy
Janet Elspeth Crawford Postgraduate Leadership PrizeANU College of Science & Medicine Sciences
Janet Elspeth Crawford PrizeANU College of Science & Medicine Sciences
Janet Elspeth Crawford PrizeANU College of Science & Medicine Sciences
Janet Elspeth Crawford Undergraduate Leadership PrizeANU College of Science & Medicine Sciences
Janet Wilkie Memorial Prize for Art History and CuratorshipANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Art history
Janet Wilkie Memorial Prize for Art History and Theory HonoursANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Art history
Janet Wilkie Memorial Prize for Introduction to Art History and CuratorshipANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Art history
Jason Li Lawyers Prize for Legal Research and WritingANU College of Law, Governance & Policy Law
Joan Stanford Prize in Sociology ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Sociology
John Buckingham Research Project AwardsMedicine
John Buckingham Research Project PrizeMedicine
John Glenton Watson Memorial PrizeANU College of Science & Medicine Medicine
John Mitchell Prize in EconomicsANU College of Business & Economics Economics
John Molony Prize in HistoryANU College of Arts & Social Sciences History
John Mulvaney Prize for Australian ArchaeologyANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Archaeology & anthropology
Kate and Bill Guy Art History and Theory Honours PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Art history
Kate Buchdahl Memorial PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Music
Kate North PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Language studies
Khalifa Bakhit Al-Falasi Graduate PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Arab & Islamic studies
Khayyam Prize for Introductory Persian LanguageANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Language studies
King & Wood Mallesons Prize for Law and Society in South East AsiaANU College of Law, Governance & Policy Law
King & Wood Mallesons Prize for Lawyers Justice and EthicsANU College of Law, Governance & Policy Law
Kirsten Sjolander Memorial Prize for Advanced International Human Rights LawANU College of Law, Governance & Policy Law
Klestadt Prize for JapaneseANU College of Asia & the Pacific Japanese
L D Pryor PrizeANU College of Science & Medicine Biology
L F Crisp Memorial Prize for First Year International RelationsANU College of Arts & Social Sciences International affairs
L F Crisp Memorial Prize for First Year Political ScienceANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Political science
L F Crisp Memorial Prize for International Relations IV (H)ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Political science
L F Crisp Memorial Prize for Political Science IV (H)ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Political science
Lady Isaacs' PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences History
Leslie Holdsworth Allen Memorial PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences English
Lisa Spender Prize for Issues in International Political EconomyANU College of Arts & Social Sciences International affairs
Liu Ts'un-yan & Liu Chiang Szu-yung Prizes for Traditional Chinese StudiesANU College of Asia & the Pacific Asian studies
Llewellyn Choir Prize for the Most Outstanding InstrumentalistANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Music
Llewellyn Choir Prize for the Most Outstanding VocalistANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Music
Louis Szabo 'Silver Probe' PrizeMedicine
Makeham Family AwardANU College of Asia & the Pacific Asian studies
Management Services AG Prize for Strategic ManagementANU College of Business & Economics Business
Maree Ayers Prize for International Criminal LawANU College of Law, Governance & Policy Law
Margaret Smiles Accompaniment PrizeANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Music
Margot Lewin Prize for CellistsANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Music
Marie Bashir PrizeANU College of Science & Medicine Medicine
Marie Reay Prize ANU College of Asia & the Pacific Archaeology & anthropology
Marjorie M. Kingston Prize for Creative Leadership in Music ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Music
Mark Dickens Prize for LatinANU College of Arts & Social Sciences Language studies
Master of Arts (International Relations) PrizeANU College of Asia & the Pacific International affairs
Master of International Affairs PrizeANU College of Asia & the Pacific International affairs
Master of Public Administration PrizeANU College of Law, Governance & Policy Public policy